Staff Directory - Details

Calvin Bonenberger Jr.

Town Administrator
Calvin Bonenberger Jr.
  • Primary Contact Address
    , PO Box 456
    Sun, 21911
Primary Department: Town Administration
Other Departments: Finances & Taxes, Code Enforcement / Planning & Zoning

Professional Profile

Community Profile:
Appointed as Town Administrator 5-02-07
Community Boards and Affiliations:

International Code Council.

Maryland Building Officials Association.

Pennsylvania Association of Code Officials.

Pennsylvania Association of Building Code Officials.

Penn Township Planning Commission

Penn Township Building Code Appeals Board
Summary of Professional Experience:

28 Years of Municipal Government Experience, serving in Public Works, Emergency Services, Code Enforcement,  Building Inspection, Planning & Zoning, Economic Development and General Administration.  Also served for 19 years in the Volunteer Fire Service, serving 15 years as a Fire Brigade Officer of which 7 Years was in the capacity of Fire Chief.  Hold National Certifications as a Commercial Building Inspector, Plans Examiner, Fire Inspector Level 2, Energy Code Plans Examiner and Inspector, Residential Plumbing Inspector, Residential Mechanical Inspector and Property Maintenance and Minimum Housing Inspector.


Come from a family of public servants, with my wife Terry serving as a Municipal Permit Coordinator, and Father serving as a Fire Marshal.  Terry and I both enjoy our professions and proudly own four dogs named Permit, Setback, Waiver and Suki; and also have two cats named Zoning and Variance.